1) how digitalization has changed the perception of contemporary warfare and documentation of war crimes (
ru /
2) what happens to queer refugees and migrants during the war - now, from ukraine, and in the world in general (
ru /
3) how militarization has devoured the remnants of modern culture in russia (
4) how new wars are fought, what is the role of technologization and automation in the war machine today, and why russia with its soviet technologies is losing in an era when connectivity and data are the main weapons (
ru /
5) critical war theory today: a summary of the 16 core books (
6) why “russian culture” is a culture of war and what post-russian cultures might look like (
The Village,
7) how performance becomes an anti-war tool (
eng /
8) how theater and performance help migrants and refugees from war (
9) what is liberal pacification, how war in our time is smeared on everyday life and why the notion that the world is becoming more peaceful is an illusion (
ru 1,
ru 2)
10) what is prison in a time when prisoners are being recruited for war, what's the prison abolitionist movement and why the prison system cannot be reformed but must be destroyed (
11) how patriarchy and the types of masculinities it produces are the main reason wars exist in the world, and whether a world run by women would be less militarized (
12) a big history and theory of women's anti-war movements (
13) why nuclear deterrence does not work and has never worked (