new types of weapons
hi, my name is vitya vilisov, and this is the page of my videoessay “new types of weapons”. i do what can be called artistic research, including performative lectures and immersive documentary projects. in the spring of 2021, i did a perfolecture called “new types of transport” at savino airport in Perm city, in which i described changes in human mobility, ways of building cities, as well as how ideas travel, and how migration can be humane. after february 24, 2022, migration was like this: more than 10 million Ukrainians were forced to leave the country, and instead of new ways to build cities, we saw total urbicide. like many others, i could not continue doing what i was doing before, so, also in forced migration, i began studying contemporary war. this project is one of the results of my convergence with what can be called the critical theory of new wars [premiere: august 12, 2022]

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many people imagine that war today is more than just tanks and troops entering foreign territory; in this project, i describe the changes that have occurred in the way wars are fought and thought about in the last ~70 years. the video essay consists of four parts:
thanks a lot for reading this. that's a very important work for me, i will appreciate if you can share this link. it will help me to keep making such projects.
🏳️‍🌈 vilisov, 2022
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