1. “War in the 21st Century” (Arseny Kumankov)
2. “Reason in the Fog of War” (Susan Lindee)
3. “Killer Apps” (Jeremy Parker, Joshua Reeves)
4. “There is No Death: A Brief History of Unofficial Military Searches in Russia” (Fedor Derevyankin)
5. “Human Remains and Mass Violence” (Edited Collection)
6. “Cultures of Fear: A Critical Reader” (Edited Collection)
7. “Digital War” (William Merrin)
8. “Feminist Solutions for Ending War” (Edited Collection)
9. “The Theory of the Drone” (Grégoire Chamayou)
10. “Frames of War” (Judith Butler)
11. “The Age of Unpeace” (Mark Leonard)
12. “War from the Ground Up” (Emile Simpson)
13. “How Everything Became War, and the Military Became Everything” (Rosa Brooks)
14. “Radical War” (Matthew Ford, Andrew Hoskins)
15. “Regarding the Pain of Others” (Susan Sontag)
16. “War and Delusion” (Laurie Calhoun)
17. “War as Performance” (Lindsey Mantoan)
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